Ruby Crown XLIII

The drawing room inside Castle Solemnity is full of a veritable dramatis personae. The highest heads of each of the noble houses of Orthos are here.

Siriel speaks with the tiefling leader of House Avia-Damanti. Balthazar and The Lawful Council stand away from The Black Rose Knights and it’s scowling commander. Monkey speaks with Amaratos of Emerald Fronds like the two are old friends. If I had been more on my game, this would have been a great space for final speeches to all the known NPCs of the party, but because I didn’t know who most of these people actually were until the meeting, it was the party’s first time encountering them. If I had been smart, an initial consultation about what to do about Voghtairis betrayal would have been the start of this part of the game, and the dinner would be the culmination of the faction play thereafter. Lesson learned: You need to exposite options to the players somehow.

When The Friends are brought into the dining room, they are shocked to see a surprise guest: The Ajira-ni King Yanapo, ruler of the northern kingdom of Kohm and consort to Queen Cecily. After they are all standing at their spaces, The Queen enters. She wears a regal black dress studded with giagantic ruby gemstones. Upon her head sits The Ruby Crown.

She addresses the room.

Why do men go to war?

The Ajira-ni school of thought says it is because they know no better. That war is the default state.

Orthos has had over one thousand years to study war. It's secrets can be distilled into three factors. Fear, Self-Interest and Pride.

Fear - it is fear that drives our enemies. An animalistic fear of that which is so much greater than them. And so it is like animals, those without can do nothing but attack on instinct. And it is like savage animals that they must be put down.

Self Interest - Orthos' riches have always been sought by her enemies. Indeed it is war that has brought us these riches. And from the continued success in our conquest comes a great pride. 

For who here is not proud of our great nation of jewels. The greatest, most resplendent noble kingdom of all of earth. Blessed she is, deigned with the a visitor from the slopes of celestial mountain.

Orthos is in the midst of the most treacherous war she has ever fought. But make no mistake - we will claim victory, as we have for over one thousand years. There is much to discuss of its course. But now, we eat. Our victory is assured - I'm sure it can wait for dinner.

Dinner is a cordial affair with little discussion of events. As the mean ends, all seats turn towards the queen to begin the council.

There is immediate disagreement. Lord Alamander demands an attack, but Lord Amecouth of Fort Duvno makes the case that they crown cannot march its men away while the northern beastmen are at their door. Still, a blatant disregard of summons all but confirms Voghtairi’s betrayal of The Crown. The Friends of Orthos are newcomers, common folk in the castle, so their word alone means little to most of the noble houses. Still, they have impressed one of the great generals of Orthos, so their words are considered. Other factors: The Snake Lords of Hemesh seem to be readying troops near their border. Intel from Talari proves this nothing but a ruse of Voghtairis design. Still, weakness shown to the snake lords will be exploited sooner or later.

The bickering continues for hours with no consensus in sight. Eventually, Queen Cecily addresses Balthazar directly.

I am told you are a servant of Heaven. I would be glad for your council.”

Balthazar gets to his feet, eyes a-glow.

Esteemed members of the court, I stand before you a councilmen, but also an emissary of the divine. 
The Heavens have watched over Orthos with both benevolence and concern, witnessing the trials and
triumphs of its people. It is no secret that Orthos teeters on the brink of ruin. Its lands wither
and its people suffer. Rot lies within every corner of your country. A devil lay on your very own
council, cloaked in shadow until I snuffed him out. One of your barons, has meddled in the affairs
of the Heavens, MY AFFAIRS, and seeks to unleash death upon your world, death that I LOCKED AWAY
centuries ago. If this beast were to be freed, none of you will survive.

I warned your Queen. Yet she sits idly on her throne, heedless of the suffering of her people. Her
loyalty lies not with the land she swore to protect, but with the distant Ajirani King. Her neglect
and infatuation will be the death of all of you, the death of your world. The one who is meant to be
the closest conduit to the divine, has strayed far from the path illuminated by the Heavens. It is
with this that the celestial powers decree her removal. 

The Arms of Law, elite fighting force of The Lawful Council, flood the room, quickly intimidating or subduing any personal bodyguards the nobles brought with them. A duel breaks out between The Black Rose Knights and The Arms. Amecouth cries, Balthazar, don’t!” Balthazar walks up to the captive queen, The Lawful Council at his back.

Queen Mahd-Ratan-Cecily, in accordance with the will of the Heavens, I strip you of your title.
I strip you of your power. YOU ARE NOT WORTHY. Leave these lands with your husband, do so peacefully
and no harm will come to you. Refuse this Holy command, and you will face Celestial judgement. Any
who try intervene will face the same punishment. By will of the celestial mountain, Orthos is now
under my rule. The Lawful Council will remain as my advisors. This country enters a new age, one that
will not be marred by the neglect of its ruler. THIS IS MY COMMAND. THIS IS HEAVENS COMMAND.

Queen Cecily hasn’t the time to respond before Oland quietly says No.” Drawing a silver sword from under his robe he takes a single stride forward and impales her through the abdomen.

Lord Alamander cries out and sinks to his knees. King Yanapo struggles against his bonds but they hold firm. The Queen of Orthos bleeds out on the ground.

What have you done?” Balthazar looks in anger at Oland.

I have seen too many seeds escape and grow into problems. You will come to understand my reasoning, Balthazar.”

Lord Alamander breaks free of his captors and charges Balthazar, The Black Rose Longsword held tightly in his gauntlets. Balthazar utters a single command - KNEEL. The Lord Knight falters to his knees, his sword spinning across the floor where it is picked up by Talari.

The death of Queen Cecily is an unexpected bump, but the plan continues. Yanapo barks threats about the might of Kohm and the Ajira-ni Pharaoh. Balthazar relents to The Lawful Councils suggestion he be slain here and now, and he is. Witnessing bloodshed and fearing for their own lives, the other noble houses raise no further objection. Balthazar orders Alamander be taken to the prison. He will need the support of The Black Rose knights, if he can somehow win him over. Talari escorts Alamander to the dungeons.

Balthazar makes his way to the back garden of Solemnity and up onto the stone wall atop the 200’ cliff overlooking Solemnity. As organized by The Lawful Council, the crowd awaits a religious announcement. Balthazar utters the name of Baron Voghtairi to summon the his scrying eye, then he empowers his voice with divine magic to yell out over the city of jewels.

People of solemnity, hear me! Your queen, your so called “leader”, has turned a blind eye on this country for too long. But the hardships that you have endured under her rule are now over! It is by the will of the heavens, that she has been removed from power. Today marks the start of a new age in Orthos. One where its people will not be neglected, one where its country will not be marred by rot. Heaven has placed me in charge of Orthos. The lawful council will be remain as my advisors. Any attempted rebellion will be put down. Its conspirators will be put to the sword. I am done idling around while this country eats itself. Dark times encroach your world. To the west, in the heart of Nildazi lies a beast that I chained there 200 years past. Your baron, voghtairi, seeks to unleash it and cover your world in ash. He has been named a traitor to the realm and will face judgement. The gods call upon you, citizens of solemntity for aid. To join me, and march on nildazi so that your world will survive. I have fought this beast once for you people, and I will do it again. But I cannot do so alone. What say you people of solemnity, will you join me, will you join me in this battle that will go down in the histories as the Great War in the West.


Here, now, all the social power of The Lawful Council comes to a head. Propagandizing, careful manipulation of public perception of the crown, social unease, and thoughts brewing war spread through the minds of the crowd like a rippling wave. Here, finally, they are given something to believe in. There are of course many who see the treacherous act for what it is, in no small part to an escaped servant boy bursting forth from a hidden tunnel in the cliff and yelling Chaos usurper! Balthazar queen-slayer! Murdered in her dining chamber!” They are drowned out by roaring cheers of the city.

Balthazar, the divine beacon for the people of Orthos, their salvation, looks directly in the direction of Voghtairis scrying eye.

Voghtairi I now speak directly to you! You have tresspassed into the domain of the Gods, and for that, I COME FOR YOU! Any who join your side will die and be barred from the afterlife, and you will soon after suffer a similar fate. When we next meet, you will find NO WEAKNESS, NO MERCY, ONLY THE UNASSAILABLE STRENGTH OF MY ARMY!