Ruby Crown XLII

In the time since the last game, Balthazar has met with some people off screen. He intends to aid the lawful council in a coup against the queen of Orthos, but he needs allies.

He first talks to Visthilian-avia-Damanti, matron of House Damanti who controls black beach. Primarily tieflings (which are more human-like in the setting so it’s not that crazy) there are constant rumors swirling of their debaucherous dens under the city. They receive the angel with grace and he talks, alone, with a scantily clad Visthilian in her parlour built with the comfort of the guests in mind.

He next talks to the general of Orthos’ army, General Ron-Zoshk-Laquor, also the head of House Laquor and headmaster of Solemnity’s famous War College. He knows better than to speak ill of his queen, but he is frustrated at her inaction, and kinda racist towards the Ajira-ni that now live in Solemnity. Balthazar tells him about the cosmic threat lurking in Mt Sadrigal and alludes to his coup. The idea of a coup obviously ignites a fury in Laquor but there is desperation there too, and guilt (the source of which is unknown.) He pledges to ride to Nildazi to verify the angels story himself.

In the streets away from the lofty heads of the city, Siriel has been talking with Razor. Sometimes he forgets himself, opens up, only to pull away and close down, forgetting he is a prisoner. On one fateful night Siriel challenges him to a duel. If he wins, he gets to walk away free, if she wins, he has to become her agent and work against his guild. He accepts. He loses.

Across the map, high on the mountains of Nildazi, Talari Alar, the wizard and Friend of Orthos, has come to The Spiked Keep, pledging a fake service to Baron Tayan-Rodo-Voghtairi. Voghtairi, knowing this may be some sort of trap but having little option and all the power, accepts the wizards fealty. Talari (though he does not know it) gets close to revealing the source of the barons confidence in his own victory before settling on working mutually on spellwork. While staying there for two weeks, he sees on Marquess Allant-Ratan-Rosse, a member of the lawful council, visit and dine with Voghtairi. He overhears words of fealty and confidence. He escapes Nildazi the next morning on his phantom steed and arrives in Solemnity to warn The Friends of Rosse’s betrayal.

This sparks a conversation with The Lawful Council where Balthazar reveals to the rest of The Friends his plans to rescue (or rob) the kingdom of Orthos from it’s queen. The Friends, perhaps influenced by rumors of the queens unfitness to rule (and having dealth with it first hand - she refused to see then about the beastmen living in her sewer) are not overly concerned with her removal, except that they agree the queen herself should not be harmed, for doing so would do nothing but bring the Pharaohs ire at the unjury of one of his lords consorts. However, they are concerned with who will take her place.

High Priest Oland seems determined to take the throne and steer Orthos back to a chaste, unsorcerous religious ideal. Icoriol hates that idea, and Balthazar isn’t fully on board, but he needs the council to take the throne so the populous will be inspired enough to serve him as a divine army. The Friends eventually compromise with Oland on the throne, keenly aware that the time after a coup is delicate, and leaders can always be replaced…

Marquess Rosse returns just before the meeting is to take place at the castle. He is quietly told to meet The Lawful Council at The Tenebrous Church and there he is put into chains and made to stay in the tombs as a betrayer and prisoner. No other credible source has seen Rosse enter the city, so the secrecy of the councils actions is assured.

A letter comes to The Friends from Amaratos of Emerald Fronds, the Ajira-ni owner of The Powder Guild that controls most all the gunpowder trade in the city and wider Orthos. He is a very powerful, very controversial figure, but The Friends have not had to meet him yet. They meet in his extravagent office styled like the throne room of the pharaohs own Vizier, with silks and spices and rare pieces of art. Here he offers The Friends a simple trade. From him: 20,000 gold pieces, a manor house and a parcel of land in the most coveted region of Ajira, and a sailing ship to take them there. From them: The Friends must leave Orthos and never return.

It is a sly trick, and The Friends don’t even consider it. New possibilities bubble in their mind - why could Amaratos want them gone from the city? What is he planning? How far have rumors of a coup been spread?

The last obstacle in the way of The Friends is Lord Alamander the Flame, leader of The Black Rose Knights, eldest order and loyal lapdogs of the crown. That is, until they betrayed the queen and sided with Voghtairi. However, evidence from Talari shows that the alliance between the knights and Nildazi have soured.

Their conversation does not go well. It borders on treason. The only reason both parties makeit out unscathed is mutually assured destruction before a very delicate meeting at the castle. They debate heavily about the realities of Orthos, about the underlying ideals of serving your master loyally however they fail you or turning back and saying no. About the lengths at which one would go to secure the future for their nation. What if, to save a place you love, you must go against the very morals that place embodies?

These themes are the heart of this campaign (though it took almost 40 sessions to realise) and this session was one of my favourites, even though very few dice were rolled. I also feel quite bad for some players who were not as into the politics as I was and were evidently very bored. It would have been better if this theme had been interwoven throughout the game and built up to rather than lore dumped right at the end, but I think there was still some high quality ideas. Definitely some high quality role playing from my players as they schemed and prepared very pragmatically for the future. The fate of Orthos will be decided in the coming sessions.
